The caravan museum

At Polar’s own Caravan Museum, you can go on a unique journey through time and space. The concept for the Museum was initially suggested in the late 1970s, but it wasn’t until 1999 that the doors first opened. The Museum is home to a vast collection of timeless caravanning objects and the third Polar caravan to be built. The Museum is open during the summer months and is located next to the factory in Dorotea.

When caravanning had its big breakthrough in the 60s, and everybody seemed to want to hit the road and live on wheels, that was when the first Polar wagons were produced. And while the basic principle has remained the same, development has truly progressed. Nowhere is this more clear than at our Caravan Museum in Dorotea. Here, you will see snapshots of camping life over the last 50 years, including the matching tracksuits, the (in)famous folding camping table, plastic crockery and much more. The Caravan Museum is the only one of its kind in Sweden, perhaps the world, and is open during the summer.

Call the Museum at +46 (0) 942 520 28 to schedule your visit!

Storgatan 63C, 917 32 Dorotea


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